“Carina Chatlani is a Wellbeing Strategist who embodies the Science of Ayurveda (the Indian Science of Healing), her background in Biological Sciences (BS), Lifestyle Medicine (LM), Indigenous Wellbeing, and Cognitive Science (MA) is utilized to shape the future towards a Global Wellness Model”
Perfect Uncertainty - Carina Chatlani
Q: in this time of uncertainty how do we know what the truth is?
A: in uncertainty we can rely on the multiple truths theory, there may be more than one property that makes a situation true. Then we look at the nature of truth; the idea behind the nature of truth view is that different kinds of subject matter will need different types of reality.
“I Aspire to Inspire”
Photo: Eckhart Tolle and Carina Chatlani (2015)
“What worked yesterday
doesn’t work tomorrow
Truth flies Fast”
The qualia, 'we create ourselves' is defined as our journey is navigated from within. The consciousness of DNA magnetizes everything in our experience as it seeks to yield completeness. - Carina Chatlani
The signs are many to prod one to explore realms outside one's mental state. It’s the heart that is the ultimate in navigation. Sometimes there are reasons deeper than the self may 'know'
The reciprocity of interconnectedness, interdependence, and therefore abundance in telepathic communication is available for all. Trust without barrier and simply know that you are always protected.
- Carina Chatlani (9/7 '14)
Everything that we become aware of is a result of large vibration fields dancing to a subatomic symphony
- Carina Chatlani
The butterfly is the symbol of transformation, the mechanism for self inducement of growth from constriction to freedom for a limited time. It's the rainbow over the edge, the catapult to the next level. Hand in hand of the butterfly, both sides are equilateral, left and right, female and masculine, negative and positive. If you use clarity and discernment, visualize the mirror images of both sides - it creates the symbol OM - the primordial sound of the universe and the sound the root of the spoken word, Peace. 'The Mindfulness Frequency' of that which is our heart and brain in sacred connection.
I long to bathe in awesome affection; an every day feeling of desire where I look for parity through the collaboration with individuals and revel in discovering their greatness – that is heavenly to me – (Carina Chatlani, LA, 2015)
All things can be conjured in the playground of your mind.
- Carina Chatlani (Mar '16)
“Be POWERFUL in Love and as LOVING as a Powerful Being”
Love doesn't hurt. Love doesn't abandon. - Unknown
“In my observation, we are proficient at neglecting the LOVE of the self - the true nature of ourselves. How are we denying another or defensive? Putting up shields of resistance which have to prove something to others. It’s not the way of showers. Whence the essence is beloved, the thoughts or morphogenetic fields of these sorts of imprints are balanced out. Because this is the way of the showers - to clear genetic lines. ”
11/11 PORTAL
Life is always correcting our course to fully live our divine blueprint ~ Carina Chatlani
You’ve left me alone to dwell in this pain; what revel have I in this sea of rain
The time, the space serves me not to host a less morbit thought; May I for once feel the solace of perfection, embrace o’er fought
this frail collective amorphoism spherical
At the precipice of pain, comes desire
As I feel you in the soup of my DNA.
A counseling session with the self - Carina Chatlani
Aloneness, Aloof
“Aloneness aloof
Passion proceeds
Cuddle with the cutter
All hearts stand on arms
Sudden storms
Decorated in decorum
As they stood still
Flight by happenstance
The runner proceeds
The waiter waits some more
In no space, no time
The knot tightens
The awakened one
Aloof and all-seeing
Sets the universal tone
Symbolic syllabic sound
Triple tantra
Om ah hum
Clarity and Openness Union
Body, speech, mind
Punishing puppets
With their lips pursed
May not receive
The highest message
Triple syllabic tone
Morphs into yailing instead
Hail the spoils
Can this be the last part?
Plead the pleasure seeker.
Puckering their lips again
What do you take with you
through the hole?
Aloneness, aloof”
“So much love
from a man’s eyes
Hours after I was born
You planted the seed
in my heart, then
disappeared to
the other side”
“our hidden selves
spend the bulk
of the time
in seclusion”
I do not believe you can make high vibrational, powerful intentions with yesterday's troubles and tomorrow's worries
What you are becoming should be better than what you were, not worse.
A New Consciousness is Here and Resonating Now
"The phenomena of essence lives all around us
Reflected within the context of our consciousness
When the eyes of love are awakened
All the dimensions of reality are seen"
- Interpreted from the well of knowledge
- Carina Chatlani
The hummingbirds’ wings
Drawing: Inter-dimensional travel
Love is an expression through particles transmitted as a magnetic energy subtly transformed in the heart into electricity. Encapsulated Neurons are stimulated and the activation of love is catapulted to the mind stream.
You've locked into the flow where you also receive impulses.
And I whisper here ...
'creation and expansion are gifts bestowed upon our union
We have gone through the initiations and gathered insight
and remembered each other ... we are worthy'
- Interpreted from the well of knowledge
is the essence of unity and separation
the light and the dark
the fusion and the distinctive
All facets of polarity and then we merge...
““interfere” = inner fear
“Be Powerful in Love and
Love as a Powerful Being”
life is real time
a blink is the past
a breath is the future
(Carina Chatlani 11/2014)
Your soul-consciousness has already chosen your path. Feel it deeply. Be in union with your choices: activate the mind, the heart, and consciousness - magnetize it. (Carina Chatlani, Ladakh, 2014)
“not seeking from without as not seeking from within is balance”
As we witness a new way of doing things and depart or shift from the old paradigms we have the opportunity to write a new story - Carina Chatlani
We are souls navigated by a situational clock. It's not OUT there but rather in the DNA. Our DNA behaves like a blueprint defining each new possible step. Learning to recognize ourselves within ourselves...takes awareness, depth, acknowledgement and freedom. - Carina Chatlani
To Always be Complaining Permanently Nourishes the Energy of Complaints - Carina chatlani
“Great progress comes after much persistence”
“Eventuality is the wisdom that one must embody through life’s journey.”
Tragedy + Trauma is the way to awakening for some - C. Chatlani
“I see you as me”
The reason why we have addictions, cravings
Is we desire things to fulfill that everlasting empty space - a black hole
Or a portal.
A continuum. . . . we seek Love - Carina Chatlani (8/23 '14)
“Luminous Lucidity - Carina Chatlani”
Attitudes are evaluations of action; unless the judgments are followed by a commitment to act, there will be no strategy towards a behavior change - Carina Chatlani
#positive #psychology #couragetobeoriginal #carinachatlani #yawn”
“There is no chore greater than the one I’ve had”
That’s why we rebel, repel and ... (you fill in the blanks.) -- give him some space. Because as soon as you back off. I mean truly, without expectations. Surrender to the path that truly belongs to you. I know that whom truly belongs to you will come and be. He will be in a better state than the current version. Better because you have grown even more and even further. Never hold on to anyone or anything. Release. and surrender. The moment you truly surrender you ALLOW and You become.... everything. ...
Wisdom matches our horizon
Everything that we become aware of is a result of large vibration fields dancing to a subatomic symphony
- Carina Chatlani (9/9 '14)
“Feeling trapped in life is an Illusion”
The signs are many to prod one to explore realms outside one's mental state. It’s the heart that is the ultimate in navigation. Sometimes there are reasons deeper than the self may 'know' and of divine interest to recognize that
Let there not be a wish to accumulate karma when the path to freedom is void of such. Lives of previous existences colour the now moment to elaborate the false illusion of self and the world we live … bless the recognition of another when this has been shown to you
- Carina Chatlani (6/'14)
”Your work is not to drag the world kicking and screaming into a new awareness. Your job is to simply do your work… Sacredly, Secretly, and Silently … and those with ‘eyes to see and ears to hear’, will respond.” - (Unknown)
You are the light and the dark
the repressed and the liberated
the revealed and the hidden,
the betrayed and the betrayer,
the hermit and performer
teacher and student,
the illuminated and the obscure
Don't deny yourself
You are everything - Carina Chatlani (11/7/14)
Beyond a traditional connection which can sometimes call us to seek outside,
A sacred connection presents as divine and gives rise to a magical quality in life.
The true nature of being in wholeness, with balanced yin and yang,
arises when you recognize union of both the feminine and masculine qualities.
Self-acceptance, cultivating grace, and being true to your path - are the necessary seeds of awareness which will flower as all is revealed.
Happiness in the little things eventually make one content. Looking for outside inspiration never brings ultimate gratification. - Carina Chatlani
Life happens between the moments of stress. -- Carina Chatlani
"That which is missing is already there" - Carina Chatlani
what’s the meaning of life
The word EGO is contained within the word Category. The moment one categorizes, they assign a mental perception to the entity. This is an illusory form of mental perception, which becomes engrained in the psyche from repetition. – Carina Chatlani
Every moment,
is a choice.
Whether choosing the path on the left or
the one on the right.
Be it in a flash.
The choice can prevent our demise
or can align us with our highest desire.
A Constant Flow of Interruptions - Carina Chatlani
“Living an unfinished life is like living a dictate of a mortifying list of non-accomplishments”
What you are really seeing in photos of weddings are two people in love with themselves.
“Where I was, Now I am not - Carina Chatlani ”
WHAT IS KAMA MUTA? (Sanskrit: moved by love) is an emotion described as 'being moved'’ 'heart-warming'’ and 'stirring'’ and is primarily positive emotion that is experienced as a feeling of buoyancy, security and warmth in the chest and may be accompanied by goosebumps or tears.